Thermocouples ( in command, it may be used the abbreviation „TC") are temperature transducers which change the temperature variation of the measured environment into the thermoelectromotive force variation ( t.t.e.m. ), which, afterwards, connected to an indicator or a registering instrument is displayed in temperature measures(units).
Theoretically a thermocouple consists in 2 thermoelectrodes made of metals or different alloys, welded only at one of the two ends. The local heating of the welding ( measurement junction ) determines the bringing about of a thermoelectromotive force at the vacant ends of the thermoelectrodes ( reference junction ). The value of this force depends upon the difference of temperature between the measurement junction and the reference one.
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS-Category of exploitation: (STAS 6692-83) - 1-Degree of protection: (SR EN 60529:1995) -IP 65-Working pressure: 10 bar-Other technical characteristics are presented in the des..
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS-Category of exploitation: (STAS 6692-83) - 1-Degree of protection: (SR EN 60529:1995) - IP 65-Working pressure: according to sheath pressure-Other technical characteristics a..
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS-Category of exploitation: (STAS 6692-83) - 1-Constant of time: medium 15 < t < 90 -Other technical characteristics are presented in the designation rep..
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS-Category of exploitation: (STAS 6692-83) - 1- Degree of protection: (SR EN 60529:1995) - IP 65-Working pressure: 10 bar-Other technical characteristics are presen..
-Category of exploitation: (STAS 6692-83) - 1-Degree of protection: (SR EN 60529:1995) - IP 65-Constant of time: low t < 15 s ;-Other technical characteristics are presented in th..
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS-Category of exploitation: (STAS 6692-83)-1-Degree of protection: (SR EN 60529:1995)-IP 65-Working pressure: according to sheath pressures-Other technical characteristics are ..
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS-Category of exploitation(STAS 6692-83) - 1-Degree of protection (SR EN 60529:1995) -IP 65-Other technical charactetistics are presented in the designation report ..